Sunday, August 2, 2009


Well, I guess all hope was on little Bailey for being the only one in this family without any issues...well he has proven to be human after all, he ended up getting the flu! Not surprised really after all of us being ill with something and to be totally honest, everywhere you go at the moment you find people sneezing, coughing's a very unhealthy period for most of us I think?! He ended up having three days off school and just being so full of cold and he still hasn't lost his cough either. He did go back to school today however but it certainly took it out of him. He wasn't able to play rugby on the weekend either and won't be going swimming tonight. So that's all of us now that's had something. I am sniffling and just bearing a sore throat now so I may now be coming down with it...I hope not. I went into work this morning and had to wear a face mask for my clients who didn't mind, made me feel silly but if that's what it takes to prevent sharing my lurgy with other people and still being able to work, then so be it.
So not much has really happened as we've kind of been stuck indoors. I had to have time off work with Bailey during the week. Yaz played soccer on the weekend which Ian took her too as I stayed in with Bailey...oh I know something else that happened! Our washing machine is now not working so on both days of the weekend I had to go to the local Laudry Service to do my washing! Bailey came with me on the first day and we were so bored. We ended up walking to the shops and getting a drink and then waited for nearly an hour for the machines to finish. Ian and I are deciding whether to bite the bullet and get a new machine or he's thinking about fixing this one very handy man that he is!
What else is there?...Ian's still not back at football. He may return soon but I'm not sure yet. His leg is feeling quite good now though. I went back to the gym this week after having about three months off and I have been so sore all week, which just made me realise what muscles haven't been worked for soooo long! As soon as this sniffle goes I'll head back in there.
Yaz has a 'touch football' tournament this coming weekend in a place called, 'Toowoomba', which is about 2 hours west of Brisbane and at this time of the year, it is freezing!!! I will be taking her on Sunday as Ian will take Bailey to rugby so we have to leave at 6am to get there on time. It's an all day thing too so we are getting all of our warmest gear out to help cope with the windy town of Toowoomba. I took Bailey to it last year and we froze! At least I know what to expect this year.
I am just about to sign up for an introductory course into 'Oncology Massage'. This should be really interesting actually, full on... but interesting. It's not until October but I shall secure my place now as I don't want to miss out.
I can't think of anything else...this coming week will be interesting for one or two reasons, if I can talk about them next entry then I will...stay tuned! xxxx

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